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We are excited to join .helloworld - Hertfordshire Hackathon with a Fetch and a Pepper robot this upcoming weekend. The event is organised by the British Computer Society (BCS) Hertfordshire Branch and takes place tomorrow, Saturday 9 March, at the University of Hertfordshire's College Lane campus.
Attendees of all backgrounds and skill levels can embrace an exciting opportunity to be involved in a high focus, hands-on real-world challenge with the possibility to win a prize. During the whole of the event, we will provide the possibility to live interact with our robots, observe their capabilities, and gain insights about their funcional principles.
Everybody is invited to come along for the day or just pop in to learn, socialise and have fun. If you wish to attend this meeting, please would you book your places.
Meet the resident robots that can participate in research studies inside the Robot House, including the Care-O-bot 4.
Robot House has opened its doors to academia and industry in the UK and internationally. Find out how to access the facility.