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Robot House contributes to dialogue between science and religion. We invited members of the Church of England to visit Robot House and discuss about our robotics research and how that can relate to faith.
The meeting was part of a series of recurring events Take your vicar to the lab initiated by the St. Albans diocese in 2016.
Topics of particular interest were how robots can be useful as assistive companion technology and how they are fundamentally different from humans. Furthermore, the role of ethics in the integration process of robots into our society has been discussed. Prof Nick Goulding, St Albans Diocesan Advisor for Faith and Science, said the event was extremely illuminating and stimulated a lot of questions and discussion. Follow-up ideas on this successful event for future knowledge exchange and a continued dialog have been agreed upon.
Meet the resident robots that can participate in research studies inside the Robot House, including the Care-O-bot 4.
Robot House has opened its doors to academia and industry in the UK and internationally. Find out how to access the facility.