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We are proud to announce that the Robot House team Dr Patrick Holthaus and Prof. Farshid Amirabdollahian will be general chair and general co-chair of the 4th UK-RAS Conference for PhD and Early Career Researchers, hold virtually at the University of Hertfordshire on Wednesday, 2nd June 2021.
This year’s theme focuses on Robotics at home. The conference wants to examines robotics and autonomous systems for use in the home, considering aspects of rapid prototyping, safety, assisted living, rehabilitation robotics, technology acceptance, and diverse user groups. At the same time, it aims to discuss innovations in delivering robotics research while working from home, addressing challenges in remote working, on-line experimentation, digital twinning, or simulation. Moreover, it seeks to understand how different robotic and autonomous systems make themselves at home by being tailored to suit their respective working environments, such as factories, offshore platforms, power plants, or disaster scenes.
The Call for Papers is now open and the submission deadline is 17:00 GMT 9th April 2021.
Meet the resident robots that can participate in research studies inside the Robot House, including the Care-O-bot 4.
Robot House has opened its doors to academia and industry in the UK and internationally. Find out how to access the facility.