Remote control

Fig. 7 Fetch remote control (main buttons)

Fig. 8 Fetch remote control (shoulder buttons)
Besides offering standard remote control functions for Fetch, we have modified the robot’s remote control so that it can be used to trigger a number of pre-programmed demonstrations. For this to work, the robot’s bringup module has to be active, which is usually done automatically when Starting up the robot.
Any of the buttons described below (depicted in Fig. 7) will trigger a demonstration if pressed together with the so-called dead man switch. The dead man switch for our custom demonstrations and behaviours is upper left shoulder
(button 10
in Fig. 8).
The dead man switch is the same as the one for standard remote control functions. It is in the same position as the one that triggers demonstrations on the Remote control for Care-O-bot 4.
If the same combination is pressed again, the currently active behaviour will be canceled and the robot is put back into a safe default position. Physical behaviours involving robot movements cannot be run in parallel and therefore will not be triggered if such a behaviour is already active. Other behaviours might run in parallel although for example individual utterances might get delayed.